October: National Physical Therapy Month - Understanding the Role of Physical Therapists

October is not just for pumpkin spice; it's also National Physical Therapy Month. This is the time to recognize the ways physical therapists (PTs) help people improve their well-being and manage pain. 

Whether you're dealing with an acute injury, a chronic condition, or aiming to prevent future problems, PTs can be your best allies. In this blog post, we will explore what we do at Restore Physical Therapy, especially in the orthopedic setting, and why considering physical therapy  as your first choice can save you time, money and offer long-lasting solutions. 

 What Do Physical Therapists Do? 

Physical therapists are doctors who specialize in the musculoskeletal system. They help people with a wide range of conditions, including acute injuries, chronic pain, and post-surgery rehabilitation. From low back pain to tendinitis, neck pain to hip strain, physical therapists are experts in addressing these issues. Their expertise goes beyond merely treating symptoms; they aim to understand the root causes of pain and discomfort.

The Experts in Pain Management

Pain is a complex issue that can affect every aspect of our lives, both physically and emotionally. Good physical therapists excel in helping patients manage pain effectively. They understand where the pain is coming from, and their approach is holistic, considering not just physical aspects but also stress, nutrition, and behavioral patterns. 

Long-Lasting Solutions and Prevention Methods

At Restore, we believe in providing long-lasting solutions and preventing recurring problems. Our goal is to help you avoid more invasive treatments like surgery, injections, or medications. The focus is on improving your overall well-being and quality of life. Our approach is not just a quick fix; it's about understanding the root causes of your issues and addressing them to prevent future problems. At Restore, we help our patients develop healthy habits to maintain an active lifestyle and avoid injury in the first place. 

 You Can’t Learn PT on TikTok

You may often see medical advice on social media, but if you’re experiencing pain, it’s important that you see a medical professional. Physical therapists invest significant time and effort in their education. They undergo seven years of schooling, which equips them with in-depth knowledge of the human body's functions and systems. This expertise allows them to work with a wide range of people, from pediatrics to orthopedic cases and even spinal cord injuries. At Restore, we specialize in orthopedic treatment, focusing on musculoskeletal issues.

Why Choose Physical Therapy First

One of the significant advantages of choosing physical therapy first is the time you can save. When you go to your primary care physician (PCP) or an orthopedic specialist, they will typically rule out serious conditions like fractures or cancer. However, most musculoskeletal issues are related to soft tissue or joint problems. Physical therapists can provide a comprehensive evaluation that analyzes your movement patterns, injury history, compensations, and imbalances. This allows them to get to the root cause of your pain and provide immediate treatment.

Orthopedic specialists, on the other hand, may have you waiting for 4-6 weeks for an appointment, especially if surgery or further imaging is not required. In many cases, they will eventually refer you to physical therapy. Therefore, starting with a physical therapist can save you time, reduce your pain, and put you on the path to recovery sooner.

National Physical Therapy Month is an excellent time to appreciate the invaluable role that physical therapists play in our healthcare system. Their expertise in pain management, long-lasting solutions, and prevention methods can significantly improve your quality of life. By considering physical therapy as your first step in addressing pain, you not only save time but also ensure that you receive the most comprehensive care available. So, if you're dealing with pain or physical discomfort, don't hesitate to reach out to a physical therapist, who can help you on your journey to a healthier, pain-free life.

Amanda Zarriello